Thank You!

Thank you so much for taking the time to find my web site and for reading my blog. There are so many authors and books ‘out there’ I’m very grateful you’ve found me.

I’ve been obsessed with horses since I was a child. I can’t remember a time when I didn’t love them with a passion. Even being chased by horses when out on a walk with my mother as a toddler didn’t put me off, even though apparently I had to be thrown over a hedge to protect me – something I  fortunately can’t remember!

Books were my other passion. Some of my earliest memories are of living my life through the characters in the books I was reading and of forbidden reading of books under the bedclothes by torchlight when I was supposed to be alseep.

I’m so lucky that as an adult I can combine these passions through my work. My books all feature horses and the people who love them.  I’ve been writing contemporary romance, centred around the racing world, but have found as time goes on my writing has become more serious and I’ve even written a crime novel which will be published once my editor has finished with it and I’ve done the suggested re-writes.

My first book, Trainers has just been launched and is now available on Amazon.

 Buy Trainers  

In order to make sure my writing is hitting the right spot with my readers I’d love to get a group together to read my work before it is published. Please get in touch if you would like to be part of that group and get your hands on my books before they are published.