Celebrating the launch of Vanished

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There are many ways that an author writes their book. Some write only when they are in the mood, some lock themselves away in a cabin in the woods so there aren’t any distractions. I prefer the celebration method. I write, or work on my book for a set amount of words, or time and then get a reward when I’ve finished. The reward can be as simple as being able to go and put a load of washing in the machine or make another mug of coffee. Anything as long as I’m motivated to keep writing.

As well as those little rewards I like to do bigger ones when I’ve reached milestones. Planning a book for instance takes hours and hours of almost zen like focus on the plot, the characters and what motivates them. I’m very fortunate that I live out in the countryside and much of my day is occupied with walking dogs or cleaning out the beds of my other four legged family and that gives me time to ponder on what is happening to my characters. Once I’ve worked out the plot and I’m ready to start writing I like to take some time off to enjoy that feeling of achievement. Pre-Covid I’d celebrate by taking myself into town for coffee and cake, in the current situation my writing celebrations are things like spending a day binge-watching a television show I’ve recorded or going for an extra long walk with the dogs.

I recently finished Vanished, the second in my series of DI Grace Tallis novels and celebrated with pizza and an afternoon watching Mum’s List a film I’ve had recorded for ages. Vanished is the prequel to After but can be read as a standalone as well as part of the series. In a damp cellar Glenna Pendrick gives birth. The father of the child is the man who abducted her. Glanna will risk everything to win her freedom. Young WPC Tallis is convinced that four missing women have a connection to the beautiful county of Cornwall, but no one else believes her. I want my readers to be able to share the celebration with me. With that in mind for the whole of June, Vanished and the first book in the series, After, will be on sale for the special price of 99c. I really hope everyone who reads Vanished will enjoy it as much as they did After. Please let me know, I love to hear from my readers.