Resolutions. They work!

There have been big changes since my last blog at the end of 2019. Something that I’d often longed for during the last decade finally happened. I got to finally buy the Jacqui Broderick domain name which related to my children’s books website. The two sites have now been combined, so that anyone who types in will get taken to my main website. This is a major headache gone as now I only look after one website, which has saved me a lot of time.

In 2019 I finished the two children’s books I’d been writing. The Cat’s Whiskers and The Unwanted Pony will be published under my Jacqui Broderick imprint later this year. I also finished Print. Write. Sell a guide through the minefield of writing and publishing. This will be published later this year too. I also finished After – Sometimes The End Is Just The Beginning, which is a new venture into psychological crime and is the first of a series which will be published this month.

On the cards for this year is the publication of a grand total of nine books. (which doesn’t sound daunting at all!!) As well as the above children’s fiction and a non-fiction title my masterplan is to publish the second and third books in the DI Tallis series, Tallis and Damage. Heading back to my earlier titles, the super-cad Derry Blake is coming back in a series of three new books, Two Hearts, Careless Hearts and Wild Hearts.

I love routine and deadlines! Honestly I do and I was particularly thrilled by the purchase of a huge wallchart on which I’ve detailed writing, editing, publishing and book launch deadlines. Just got to stick to them now!

bottomLouise Broderick