A Bit Of A Celebration

Happy Christmas. I hope as 2019 draws to a close that you are looking back on a fabulous year and contemplating the  new decade. It’s been a busy year for me. I decided at the beginning of 2019 to write the children’s books which I’d been thinking about for a while. Since I was working on an adult title, and finishing my degree I realised the only way I’d get the books done was to do a little at a time. So I’ve been writing a chapter of each a month and finally the first drafts are finished. There is a lot of work to do next year which I’m going to schedule in soon.

Compulsive organiser that I am I was delighted to find a massive wall planner which I’ve bought as a Christmas present to myself. I can now schedule in when the rough drafts need to be completed by and also plot the progress of the books I’m working on too.

I love doing this and it is made all the nicer by knowing that I am finally a full-time author, something I’ve wanted to be since childhood.

I took myself out for coffee and a scone this morning to celebrate completing the books. I think rewards for those small achievements are important to motivate me and to celebrate. It’s quite a lonley life, being a writer and so those moments outside, in the real world, are important.

I hope you have a  fabulous Christmas and that 2020 will be amazing.

bottomLouise Broderick