Feeling Grateful and Hopeful

I was so lucky to find Barbara, a fabulous narrator for the first book I’ve released as an audio version. As soon as I heard her voice I knew it was prefect. She did a fabulous job of narrating After.  It is very strange listening to someone speaking the words you have written, it gives a whole new feel to them.

Once After was finished and released to Audible, Barbara agreed to do the audio versions of all of my books. We are currently working on the audio files for Trainers, Winners and Millionaires. Barbara has an incredible talent in that she can make the words of After as tense as they need to be and also capture that simmering undercurrent of violence, but she can also get the tone right for the romance and even the sex scenes in my earlier books.

Tallis is still a work in progress. I’m halfway through the first re-write. Unfortunately, I’m far slower than I wanted to be, somehow, the lockdowns due to Covid, rather than giving me extra time to work, have done the opposite. I console myself by thinking the book will be ready when it is.

This week, when the shops reopened, one of the first things I bought was a huge wall chart calendar. This year was marked up in spring with visits from friends and family and trips away I had planned. The new one is blank as of yet, and I’m hoping that any dates I blank out for holidays and visits will come to fruition.  I am, like everyone else, sick of Covid and the chaos it has brought to our lives.


bottomLouise Broderick