
One of the hardest things about writing a novel is the re-writing stage. The first draft is such fun, you have an idea, a vague concept in your mind of the plot, the characters and their motivations are hazy.

I came up with the idea for my latest novel after watching a TV series during the summer. When it finished I wondered what happened next to the characters. That was how the concept of my book came up. What followed was basically a lot of dog walking, my feet moving while my imagination was filled with the characters I knew I wanted to write about. The dog walking./thinking stage was followed by weeks and weeks of typing. When I was xrayed for my fractured wrist I discovered what I thought could be RSI because of an existing sore wrist, was actually arteritis between the joints.

Now all of that is done. the first draft is complete and with a lot of help from my writing group I’m now ready to start working on the second draft. I’ve set myself a deadline and have listed the chapters on my working chart.

I’m looking forward to this and dreading it in equal measure. It will be great to have it finished, but the re-write is the hardest part. I’m going to really know my characters and their motivations by the time I’ve finished.